Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This is to the Yearbook staff and editors of last year.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

The HP Phenomenon.

I have never been a Harry Potter fan to be honest.

Until now.

Perhaps because I didn't want to be thought of as copying Shelbie, because lets be honest.

She is a die hard fan.

But last Monday and Friday I went and saw this movie.

J.K. Rowling IS a genius. I sat in amazement.

Also the pictures they have captured, were beautiful.

Such a cool movie! ah.

I have decided to read all of the books. No one knows why I waited until the very last movie, The End, fi you will.

but, I am thrilled, and excited.

Huzzah to Harry Potter.

One of my very favorite characters would have to be Mrs. Weasley.

Who is yours?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The orange leaf friend.

I have become a frozen yogurt eater.

Thank you, Orange Leaf.

Two days ago, I went and was enjoying my lil' treat.

I made a friend!


Then tonight, she was walking and thinking/listening to music.

On her way back to her home I went with her.

She gave me clothes(She has SO many clothes. and she had to get rid of some, score! thank you!),

and we talked about how we are going to breed hairless cats.

To make them more common.

She is cool.

And the best part is, we are friends.

She knows where I live, I know where she lives. and where her room is.

happy moon day, folks.

in 69' today was the day a human landed on the moon.

look how far we have come since then. 

Today I drove to Riverdale. That small little town that is an hour and a half away! I went for a good reason, and with good people. 


an orange one. It is seven weeks old and has been named Horse. 

It is a welcome home gift for my dad, who has been on a buisness trip for a couple of days. Here is the thing. I dont think my dad really likes cats. 

But this one, you just have to like. it is so cute, and lovey. 

It was such an adventurous day.

This is him, horse. 


Sunday, July 17, 2011

It is time to dream.

I forget where I found this quote, but it is one that I thought about constantly my sophomore year. Even made lists of my answer to this quote.

It goes like this.

"what would you do if you could not fail?" -Robert H. Schuller. 

I'm not one to share personal thoughts with a lot of people, or any people for that matter.
But I am going to share one,

or twelve.

If I could never fail I would:
- Take all of the classes for those extraordinary smart kids.
- Sing and play the guitar.
- Try out for the broadway pit.
- Fall in love.
- Be a graphic designer.
- Be in the olympics, skiing.
- Speak spanish with people who speak spanish.
- Hang out with more people that intimidate me.
- Conduct the Utah Symphony.
- Run a marathon.
- Preform an oral surgery.
- Live in New York.

What would you do?

It is just one of those fears, unspoken or not.

We all have it.

cause' well. We are human.


Friday, July 15, 2011

look at this man.

Isn't he dressed nicely?

the Periodontist. #2

I went and observed. Yes, the surgery.
It was cool!
While they were stitching up his mouth....

I fainted.

But no worries, while i was falling, about to hit the ground, a cute, and I mean CUTE college student caught me.

What an hour!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Summer is exquisite.

Waking up at twelve thirty.

Eating all day.

Being outside.

Night time bike rides.

Family reunions.

Getting free blow up globs in the mail.

Shelbie listening to music on the tramp finding the story.

Not showering in 5 days. (shh.;))

Chillin with my ol' paps. over some mcdonalds.

Scrap booking.

Many more to come!!:)

There are so many wonderful ways to enjoy summer, so enjoy yours!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Dear, Audrey Hepburn.

If I could have lunch with anyone, I would have to choose Audrey.


She is so wonderful, so CLASSY---

She is still one of todays most iconic women. 

I love her.

This is a picture of my darling sister learning, I swear, She will be like Audrey in some ways.


I think I will possibly start blogging again. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I am terrified and SO excited.


here I come. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

oh the days in spanish class-

I am sitting in spanish class. 
We are doing some online games. 

I am not. 

Half the school is gone today for our basketball game. 

Have a fantastic day today. 

And remember,

you are loved.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I could write a whole post on each of these people. So here is a list of more people that have influenced me. (there are so many more..)

Brianna Elzey
Amy Mcneil
Lady Gaga
Miley Cyrus(if you cant say anything nice, dont say it at all)
Addy Baird
Haley Williams
Morgan Nelson
Vicki McMurry
Tracy Warby
Kylie Riggs
Whitney Miller
Sarah Tracy
Taylor Smith
Jaren from health
Allyce Jones
Sam Beeson
Miles Farnsworth
Aubree Steadman
Skye Lefevere 
Cassandra Hoopes
Michael Jackson
Jordan Hyde
AFHS student council
Logan Cameron
Brother Healey
Jakob Garlic
Jackson Aubrey
Abby Olsen
Kelsey Feguson
Michelle Perry
Daniel Nyman
Emily Henson
Wade Draper
Crystal Larsen 
Wendy Nance
Kelsie Mcbride
Maggie McDonald
The Richards 
Mikelle Pyne
Mallory Ash
Hannah Kroes
Kamryn Walker
Melissa Davis
Zack Taylor
Shelley May
Tim Tincher
Wilson Hicken
Quinci Whatcott
Stephanie McBride
Katrese Wright
The Fishers
The Nielsons
Wade Draper

Monday, February 21, 2011



Mary Peay Jacobs (great grandma): The most put together lady. (as said earlier) My influence of a classy woman. She taught her son to be a gentleman, for this I am grateful.
Jacqueline (Aunt Jackie): She loves butterflies and she has a REAL appreciation for pretty things. My mom sometimes reminds me of her. She is definitely not a hater. I feel like she understands everything and everyone. Through trials she is still the sweetest lady ever. She is my influence of that.
 Jerald (my grandpa): Character. He has character. He is my influence of integrity. He knows what is right, and that is what he will do. He is wise. "Two wrongs don’t make a right." And he is a gentleman. This is so comforting and so much appreciated.
 Anjeanette (Aunt Manners): She is my influence for being strong, respectful and happy. She has so much respect for everyone. She makes me feel important and loved. She has had a huge influence on who I am. What more can you ask for in an aunt?
Shan (uncle): He is my influence of living life to its fullest. That is what he did. I only have good memories of him. I love that he had passion.
Mom: (see previous post.)
Kelly (cousin): He is my influence for being witty and wise. He knows what he is talking about. He stands up for what he knows is right. And is REAL. He sees the world as it is, and sees people for who they are.
Sheldon (cousin): He is my influence for someone who appreciates art and style. He is an interior designer and is GOOD at his job. He is excellent with kids and so genuinely sweet. I also love that he is open-minded.
Brandon (cousin): He is my influence for determination. He is intense but doesn’t just see his perspective. He treats me with maturity and respect, which not a lot of adults do because I am only sixteen. He is striking.
Rachel (cousin): She is my influence of loving unconditionally. She is always ready to have fun and get the family together. She Is fantastic with kids, and balancing everything.

This family is my influence  for just being real and down to earth.
They all have tact.
They are all themselves.
They are all amazing.
They are all influential. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Kathryn Corinne Thueson-
I don’t know where to start on how she has influenced me.
During ninth grade she was my partner in crime. Many times of sluffing in the church heater place, and our growing tallies every day. That saved me, really- sounds crazy, but I wonder how everything would be different if we didn’t sluff. We became super close during all of that. We talked about everything. Things we thought were weird and socially unacceptable, our feelings on things/people, how cool we thought we were, boys and anything else. I knew I could confide in her. She was one of the first people to know something, everything. She is my saving grace.
Now we go to different high schools.

But whatever, we are still super good friends, and she is still my influence of a good person
She’s one of those friends that no matter what, you can always go to her.
Thank you Kathy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Mary Peay Jacobs.

My great grandma, I live in her house.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The Kokol family. 
1: Kris- She lets me be at her house until all hours of the night. (This has saved me many of times.)
She teaches me so much on a daily basis, because she is really the smartest adult I have encountered. And smart about EVERYTHING, not just a few subjects. She makes me want to learn, and want to be smart. She is also a great example of a mom. Sometimes I feel like she is my second mom. I feel like if I ever need anything, I can call her. She is really fantastic. Kris, Thank you for everything, You have no idea how much I look up to you. I hope when I grow up I am even half as cool as you. 
2: Ari- Ari has had one of the biggest influences on who I am. She taught me to appreciate little things, she is fantastic. She has such a great sense of humor. She is a friend to everyone. She is just a good person and easy to talk to. She had such a good influence on my sister Shelbie, too. She is an astounding person.  Ari, Thank you. 
3: Natalie- a.k.a my best friend. Lets just say in the past year-ish i've been through a lot with the divorce and moving. Lots of emotions. Natalie helped me get through it all. And has helped me know how to get through it all. 
But not even just in the past year, ever since we became friends on that random bus ride home. (thank you school of rock) She is my example of,
being a peacemaker
being independent
being strong
doing whats right, simply because its right
working hard in school
someone who honestly cares
and to stand up for myself. 
Natalie, thank you. Thank you for being yourself. Thank you for being an exuberant influence on my life. 
4: Katie- I feel like katie understands more than most 13 year olds do. She is one of those people that you are just happy to see. She is my example of really being nice, sincerely nice. My little sister Brielle is sometimes immature, just because she likes to be. It can be obnoxious or cute. However, Katie is so nice to her, and has been one of Brielle's biggest influences. Katie, Thank you. 
Also, and on a more lighter note, they have taught me that sometimes its good to just forget and have fun. Even if it is just for a night. 


Thank you-

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


a teacher, "the therapist for MRJH teachers", a wonderful mom, soon to be a grandma, the copy center advisor, rodeo royalty
I was Holly's TA in the copy center my eighth grade year.
She intimidated me, I couldn't work the machines, and little did I know she (and the copy center itself) would become one of my best friends.
Now to my ninth grade year,

one of the hardest years of my life.

I feel like this was the year that I figured out who I was, and unfortunately I found myself the hard way. Through everything like 48 absences in one term, my first boyfriend, and figuring out who are the right friends to hang around Holly was always there to listen to me "talk it out".

Through many discussions on literally everything, we became friends.

For me to stand back and look at our relationship makes me so grateful to her influence on my life-

She never treated me as if she was superior because she is older, because she was a teacher, or any other reason for which adults talk to teens like they're superior. Because of this it was her example of someone older than me, that I followed.

I would talk, and she would listen.
She would talk, and I would listen.
We laughed so hard our stomach muscles hurt.
We had more "serious" talks.
We had angry talks.
She told me about when she was growing up.
she told me about her family. (She has a very attractive son.)
I told her about my family.

Understanding, strong, smart, an astounding friend, gorgeous, easy going, welcoming, and one of my greatest friends and influences.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A week for influences- DAY ONE.

My Mom and Shelbie.
The whole family has influences on eachother, but there are those few that help you be the best you can be.
These two go together, because in a way their influlence is the same.
Also, they are both FAMILY.

I've written about her before. She has been through more than anyone I know, and acts as if she has never been hurt.
She is happy,
 She cares,
 She sacrifices,
 She buys my clothes for me,
 She loves family,
 She loves music,
 She is talented,
 She is classy
 And she loves me, and my three sisters.

She has taught me to love, and to simply be nice.

Two years older than me.
She is influential on more people than just me,
She dresses well,
She knows art,
She can have fun whenever,
She is good at writing,
She is smart,
She is the peacemaker,
And she is a teacher.

She has taught me to not be dramatic, to laugh, to be the better person, to have patience, and really this list could go on forever.
She is my older sister.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

YES. Valentines.

February fourteenth.
My very favorite holiday.
and no, not because of some boy. I don't have a valentine this year, again. 
I am actually happy to say that. Not happy, but not sad.
It'd be nice. But I am only 16, There will be other valentines. 
I don't need a valentine to have a good valentines day. 
I love valentines because of all of the love in February,
oh.. and all the pink and red. 


Maybe i love the day, because I love to watch all of the couples, young and old, 
that spoil each other

and just LOVE.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


For English, we got put into groups of four or five, mostly four. However our group is cool, and has five... Because I was tardy to class (figures) after they had already been put into groups.
Sorry guys.
When I got put into my group, I’ll admit, I was worried. I didn’t know any of these people really well, besides Kylie.
We are going to have to take a picture of us all.  
But thank you to the long cardstock survey; we got to know each other.

Some of the COOLEST people our age, yes, I look up to them. A lot.

Lemme tell you about them.

Her favorite film is inception, and she loves cheesecake. She is fantastic. Always. She is fashionable, and thinks good teachers should specify their lessons.
She is one of those people, that you’re around for five minutes, and can tell she is a rockin friend and person.
I don’t think she would ever even hurt a fly-
So Sara? I am so thrilled we are in the same group. Lets drink sprite sometime.

Hello cool. Her favorite band is Tokyo hotel, she hates squash and she wishes she could fly. She sits by the door, and is kind of quiet.
But so so dang fun to talk to and be around.
She, like the rest of my group, I am so excited to get to know.
Tiana.. the name alone. GORGEOUS!
And she thinks good teachers shouldn’t stream, and they should be young. Now now, lets not fall asleep, because of an…

Old teacher.
And that is Tiana. She is too cool for school!
The only boy.
I have respect for him, because he isn’t obnoxious, being the only guy in the group.
He too, is pretty quiet, and then when I got to know him and BAM! He is one of my new favorite person.  
He likes pumpkin pie, but hates snakes. He is an early bird, the only one in the group? Yes.
He hates pride and prejudice… sinner.
And he admires respectful people. AMEN TO THAT CODY!
Anyway. He is a cool cat.

Kylie, kylie, kylie. 
She likes brownies. And is scared of kids.. that are throwing up. Or anyone that is throwing up. She loves English, and loves her English teacher, mr. beeson.
She is one of greatest friends, because she literally is ALWAYS there for me. It can be bad, but mostly it is awesome. 
She has got spunk.
And lots of it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Firework- katy perry.

Katy Perry wrote one of my very favorite songs.

suprised? As am I.

I mean let's be honest. We have all felt this way.
I just love the lyrics and the energy.

Music has a way of fixing everything, ya know?
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep?
Six feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you?

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
[- From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/k/katy-perry-lyrics/firework-lyrics.html -]
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon