Saturday, July 30, 2011

The HP Phenomenon.

I have never been a Harry Potter fan to be honest.

Until now.

Perhaps because I didn't want to be thought of as copying Shelbie, because lets be honest.

She is a die hard fan.

But last Monday and Friday I went and saw this movie.

J.K. Rowling IS a genius. I sat in amazement.

Also the pictures they have captured, were beautiful.

Such a cool movie! ah.

I have decided to read all of the books. No one knows why I waited until the very last movie, The End, fi you will.

but, I am thrilled, and excited.

Huzzah to Harry Potter.

One of my very favorite characters would have to be Mrs. Weasley.

Who is yours?

1 comment:

  1. SNAPE! obviously. you never know whether he is good or bad, his nature was hidden until the very end - his intentions were never understood. Truth is, although he seems to not love anyone, he loves more than any other character.
